Catley Lane Head – Spring Clean
Our Forum Trustee, Nick Green, is leading our ambitious plan for a Spring Clean.
The basic idea is to get volunteers together in the morning or afternoon on Saturday 22 April 2017 to improve the visual approach to Catley Lane Head village by litter picking and pruning overgrown bushes.
In an attempt to improve both appearance & road safety we hope to secure the use of a mini-digger & dumper to clear the channel lines of the rural section of Rooley Moor Road & reinstate the road back to its original width.
We are very keen to involve the Council Environmental Services and have requested a road sweeper & gully sucker from them in addition to seeing if they will organise a collection of the rubbish we will bag.
To make our task easier, Councillor Cecile Biant has offered us the use of litter picking equipment and the provision of rubbish bags.
I’m sure you will all agree this is a great opportunity and will set the scene for our next community event in August.
Please let us know if you’d like to be involved and your preferred time (morning, afternoon or both) – email:
We also welcome donations of any spare plants you may have for planting in the verges.