Find out how to locate or request information published by Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum CIO (RMNF) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
Please Note: The FOIA doesn’t generally apply to limited companies, sole traders or charities. However, if they supply services on behalf of a public authority, they may hold information in connection with those services which could be requested under the FOIA. The public authority is responsible for responding to the request, and for deciding whether the information can be released to the public. In these circumstances we must support the public authority by providing any information we have that they will need for their reply.
How to make a request
The FOI Act states that all requests have to:
- be in writing
- specify the information requested
- provide a name and contact details for response
They should be directed to the Information Officer.
When you can expect to receive a reply
We will respond within 20 working days of receipt of your request.
Information we will provide
We aim to provide information that is requested, but it is not always possible. A request can be refused for reasons such as commercial confidentiality or a risk of breaching the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. Reasons not to supply information will be explained when we reply. If you are unhappy with the response, you can request an internal review.
Subject access requests
The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 gives any individual (or ‘data subject’) the right to request access to information held about them by RMNF, subject to exemptions. This is a Subject Access Request.
If the data subject is unable to submit the request themselves someone else can place a request on their behalf.
How to make a subject access requests
You will need to write to us with your Subject Access Request and provide proof of identity before we can process your request. Proof can be:
- a current driver’s licence
- current passport
- birth certificate
If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, please include proof of identity for yourself and the data subject. We also need a letter from the data subject authorising the request on their behalf.
The completed form along with proof of identity should be sent to:
The Information Officer
Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum
Owd House
Fern Hill Lane
Rochdale OL12 6BW