Our HLF Project
Our HLF project was completed at the end of January 2019. However, this section of our website will continue to develop and grow as volunteers research and document the rich varied history and heritage of our locality which falls within the wider Rooley and Knowl Moors area.
The area is largely a rural landscape with upland farms, open moorland with areas of blanket bog and several isolated hamlets. Many of the farm houses in the area date from the 17th century and are illustrative of the building and rebuilding of homes undertaken by the gentry and yeoman-farmers of the area. Farm houses and cottages are constructed in a vernacular style of locally quarried stone and the moorland setting of these historic buildings has benefitted from the retention of setted road surfaces, stone kerbs and pavements and stone slab walls, which often do not survive.
We’d like to tell their story
The buildings have provided homes and employment to many local people for several hundred years. There are residents who have lived locally for a long time, whose ancestors lived locally too and we’d like to tell their story.
Continue to be involved
If you’d like to be involved please email: info@RMNF.org.uk
Related Documents
Catley Lane Head Draft Consultation Area Appraisal
Rooley Moor HA JWC (compressed images) 23.10.15
The History of Lanehead Sunday School
This document provides a fascinating description of the history of Lanehead Sunday School.
Prickshaw & Broadley Fold_Conservation Area Appraisal_FINAL
RMR archaelogical assessment June 2003
Fishwick History of Rochdale – Part 1
Fishwick History of Rochdale – Part 2
Fishwick History of Rochdale – Part 3
History of Rochdale – Fishwick Chapter XX Miscellany Pages 529-540
Rochdale Retrospect – Chapter VI – 1800 to 1856