Our Trustees are appointed volunteers who are responsible for ensuring Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum operates according to its charitable purpose. They bring with them a range of skills and experience that complements our organisation and ensures it is well managed. Our forum is grateful for their time and dedication.
Honorary President
- David Olusoga OBE– David is a British-Nigerian Historian, BAFTA winning TV Presenter/Producer and an award winning author.
Honorary Vice President
- Cecile Biant – In mid 2019 Cecile retired as Ward Councillor and RMNF trustee. In recognition of the tremendous help, advice and support Cecile has given our forum, the trustees asked Cecile to consider being our Honorary Vice President and we are delighted that she wishes to remain in contact with our forum and has accepted.
Our Trustees
- Andy Meek – Chair – Andy is a long term resident of Prickshaw who enjoys the open countryside and moors that surround the village and is very keen to see this preserved. Works part-time in the transport and logistics sector.
- Fran Healey – Fran is a qualified accountant who volunteers in the charity and not for profit sector. She is on the board of Social Value UK and is a Trustee of Survivors Manchester. Fran is also interested in the future potential of social value accounting methodologies.
- Alan Rawsterne – Secretary – Alan is retired, has a background in logistics, continuous improvement methodologies and was a Six Sigma practitioner.
- John Newcombe – Treasurer – John is a retired Inspector of Taxes and is Chair of the Prickshaw and Broadley Fold Conservation Area Committee. John is a keen runner and walker and he is anxious to preserve our precious open spaces, which he sees as an essential facility much needed by our ever increasing urban population.
- Morley Morgan – Morley is an Anglican priest and a retired hospital chaplain who lives in Catley Lane Head.
- Stuart Davies – Stuart is a Whitworth resident who is passionate about the area and its open moorland.
- Nigel Morrell – Nigel is the chair of Norden Area Forum and a trustee of Norden Community Trust, which is the governing body that manages Norden Old Library.
- Cllr. Peter Winkler – Peter is a Conservative Councillor for Norden Ward, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Councillors Group and Shadow Portfolio Holder for the Environment.
You can contact any of our Trustees by sending an email, marked for their attention, to: info@rmnf.org.uk