Safeguarding Statement

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum (RMNF) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) established for the public benefit and to advance the education of the public without distinction of ability, sex, sexual orientation, race or political, religious or other opinions. The objects of the CIO are:

  1. To promote high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the area of benefit.
  2. To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history, culture and architecture of the area of benefit.
  3. To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features or areas of historic or public interest in the area of benefit.

In furtherance of the above objects but not otherwise the trustees shall have the power to establish a neighbourhood forum for the area of benefit to promote and or improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area.

We take our responsibility seriously to keep people safe, and continually strive to embed good practice across the organisation and beyond.

We understand safeguarding to be about ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone with whom we come into contact with as part of our organisations activities. This obligation naturally extends to our own trustees, officers, members and volunteers, as well as those in our partner organisations and other persons associated with Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum.

Our approach to safeguarding involves promoting a culture of safety for all and practising this in every aspect of our organisation’s daily activities. It also involves taking action for and on behalf of children and vulnerable adults who are suffering, or are at risk of suffering, significant harm as a result of abuse, exploitation or neglect.

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, violence, exploitation and abuse, and we have made the following commitments to keep people safe:

  • Our trustees and officers will maintain the highest standards of conduct and practice. Our trustees and officers are carefully selected to ensure that they are suitable to carry out their roles. The standards that they are expected to uphold are set out in our organisational policies, reinforced through training, and endorsed by a positive culture that openly discusses and promotes good safeguarding practice.
  • We support our partners and others to build and endorse good practice. Partnership and collaboration is fundamental to our purpose, and so we often involve other organisations, groups and entities in the delivery of events. We seek to understand the policy, procedure and practice of our partners and to support them, where required, to build and strengthen good practice.
  • We listen to all safeguarding concerns that are reported to us and take appropriate action. We have a clear procedure that can be used by anyone to report a concern. When a report is made, our response will be guided by this procedure. We establish actions that are appropriate to the nature of the case and aligned with the legal obligations and reporting mechanisms in the locality where the concern is raised. In our handling of reports, we respect confidentiality as far as possible, only involving individuals and entities on a “need to know” basis.
  • We proactively champion meaningful participation in safeguarding work. In line with our values, we ensure that trustees, officers, members and volunteers and partnership organisations, are able to contribute to and participate in our safeguarding work. We do this by sharing information and providing opportunities to offer feedback and propose ideas through consultation.

As part of our efforts to uphold our commitments, Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum is building a comprehensive suite of policies, procedures, tools and resources to guide good safeguarding practice in all aspects of our activities. A number of key policies form a central component of these commitments, they include:

Our Safeguarding System continues to grow as we build on our work to-date. If you would like to learn more about safeguarding at Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum, please refer to our policies.

Reporting a safeguarding concern

If you wish to raise a concern, please refer to the Child & Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy. Alternatively, you can contact us directly by emailing: or by calling 07970715904 to speak to the Secretary or leave a message.

All reports will be treated confidentially.

Reporting outside office hours

If you’d like to speak to someone outside of office hours, you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

If someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999).

Concerns about radicalisation

If you have a concern that someone is being drawn into or supporting terrorism, you should call 07970715904 to speak to the Secretary or leave a message, or email: