“No” to SM2
4th February 2025

Wind Farm View

RMNF says “No” to Scout Moor 2 Wind Farm

At our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 30th January 2025 a proposal was put forward for Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum (RMNF) to be against future development of the moorland in and around our neighbourhood area. The meeting participants were unanimous in the conclusion that the Scout Moor 2 Wind Farm development as proposed will mark the permanent destruction of Rooley Moor, the Cotton Famine Road and the other heritage assets on it and at its fringe. The RMNF trustees were very clear they are NOT against appropriate green energy development but there must be a balanced consideration of the gains and losses. To us, in this case this is crystal clear. This area has contributed enough, and the size and scale of this proposed wind farm is not appropriate on Green Belt Common Land. The consensus at our AGM is that RMNFs position should be to oppose the Scout Moor 2 Wind Farm development. Everyone at the AGM unanimously supported this proposal.